Ayur Care Pure Bliss

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Everything in the universe is composed of the five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.

What is panchakarma?
Panchakarma: Your Holistic Gateway to a Healthier Life

In the realm of Ayurveda, panchakarma stands as a cornerstone, offering a profound pathway to a healthier lifestyle. This ancient therapeutic approach, rooted in India, revolves around five transformative actions aimed at rejuvenating both the body and mind. Administered in a natural environment under seasoned Ayurveda practitioners, Panchakarma is a comprehensive detoxification experience.

Key Components of Panchakarma:

Treating Doshas Naturally: Through the application of natural herbs and medicines, Panchakarma targets and treats toxic materials (doshas) in the body, addressing the root cause of imbalance.

Dosha Elimination: The therapy focuses on expelling doshas from the body, a crucial step in restoring harmony and promoting overall well-being.

Addressing Modern Challenges:

The modern lifestyle, characterized by stress, strain, and erratic weather changes, often leads to toxin accumulation in the body. Panchakarma emerges as a holistic solution, effectively eliminating these toxins. By undergoing Ayurvedic therapies, particularly Panchakarma, individuals can achieve a complete detoxification, paving the way for a robust and wholesome life.

Holistic Approach – Fomentation and Oleation:
Panchakarma unfolds through two essential sets of therapies: fomentation and oleation. Fomentation therapies induce sweating, expelling impurities, while oleation involves the application of specialized oils, nourishing and rejuvenating the body.

Embark on a journey of revitalization with Panchakarma, embracing Ayurveda’s time-tested wisdom for optimal health and vitality.

How Panchakarma Treatments Therapies Are Performed?


MRP 2500 Rs/-


MRP 2500 Rs/-


MRP 2500 Rs/-


MRP 2500 Rs/-


MRP 2500 Rs/-

Unlocking the Essence of Panchakarma Treatments

Embark on a journey through the five distinctive therapies of Panchakarma, each tailored to address specific imbalances:

Vamana Karma (Emetics):

  • Targets ‘Kapha’ disorders like asthma, bronchitis, and sinus.
  • Medicated therapy eliminates Kapha toxins, providing instant relief.
  • Ideal for those experiencing excess mucus and respiratory distress.

Basti Karma (Medicated Enema):

  • It is most effective for vata disorders, including joint pains and digestive issues.
  • Promotes colon emission, ensuring overall well-being and detoxification.
  • Beneficial in alleviating constipation and balancing the nervous system.

Virechana Therapy (Laxatives):

  • Treats toxic substances in the gall bladder, promoting liver health.
  • Effectively purifies the body, aiding in hyperacidity, skin disorders, and digestive issues.
  • Known for its role in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Rakta Mokshana (Blood-Letting):

  • Purifies the blood through a precise surgical procedure.
  • Integral part of general Panchakarma, removing toxins from the blood.
  • Beneficial for conditions related to impure blood and skin disorders.

Nasya Karma (Nasal Administration):

  • Inhaling herbal stems through the nose clears nasal passages and lungs.
  • Essential oils enhance toxin removal from the head, eyes, and nose.
  • Aids in alleviating headaches, improving sensory organs, and promoting mental clarity.

Discover Other Therapies With Us

Local Uzhichil

Ayurvedic massage therapy using herbal oils and customized strokes focuses on a specific area with health concerns. (₹ 1000)



A restorative method to relax the system, improve vital organ functionality, energize cellular activity, and enhance prana movement. (₹ 1300)


Matra Vasti

A gentle Ayurvedic procedure with minimal medicated oil or decoction into the rectum for improved digestion and overall health. (₹ 1100)



Deeply relaxing therapy for the scalp and forehead with a thin stream of medicated lukewarm oil. (₹ 2500)



Ayurvedic therapy uses medicinal pastes applied over the entire scalp, offering soothing and relaxing properties. (₹ 1200)


Shodhan Vasti

Comprehensive Ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation therapy with medicated enemas to remove toxins from the colon. (₹ 1300)


Sneha Vasti

Part of Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy involves lubricating the colon and promoting healthy bowel movements. (₹ 1100)


Upanaha Swedana

Ayurvedic therapy, where hot herbal potlis are applied to the body, addresses muscle and joint issues. (₹ 1250)


Uro Basti

Application of herbal decoctions or oils on the chest area in a specially created chamber. (₹ 1350)


Uro Pichu

Medicinal oil-soaked cotton pads are applied to the chest region for chest-related conditions. (₹ 1400)


Uttara Vasti

Ayurvedic procedure to cleanse the urinary and reproductive systems with medicated oil. (₹ 1400)



Deep-tissue Ayurvedic full-body massage with herbal oils for improved circulation and relaxation. (₹ 1500)


Valuka Swedana

Heated sand, or sand potlis, is used as a therapeutic medium for musculoskeletal and joint-related conditions. (₹ 1500)



Detoxification of the body from Kapha Dosha with therapeutic vomiting. (₹ 2500)



Panchakarma therapy cleanses toxins from the gastrointestinal tract through the anal route. (₹ 1500)



An Ayurvedic approach targets obesity and weight management, reducing excess fat, improving metabolism, and balancing Kapha dosha. (₹ 1300)



A medicated paste or ointment with herbal powders, oils, and natural ingredients for skin conditions, rejuvenation, improved complexion, and overall skin health. (₹ 1500)


Local Kashayadhara

Continuous pouring of medicated herbal decoctions on a specific body area for musculoskeletal issues, joint pain, and inflammation. (₹ 990)


Local Ksheera Dhara

Continuous pouring of medicated milk on a specific body area to address various health concerns. (₹ 1100)


Local Pizhichil

A modified version of traditional Pizhichil focuses on a specific area with warm medicated oil for targeted attention. (₹ 2500)


Local Takradhara

Specialized therapy pouring buttermilk on a specific area, particularly the forehead, to relieve stress, anxiety, and headaches. (₹ 1000)



Ayurvedic therapy prepares the body for detox by gradually increasing ghee or oil ingestion. (₹ 1100)


Sthanika/Local Lepam

Ayurvedic external application or paste applied locally to a specific area or body part. (₹ 1000)


Swedish Massage

Relaxing massage therapy uses oil to glide over the body, promoting relaxation. (₹ 1600)



Application of medicated pastes or oils to the head is part of Ayurvedic head massages or treatments. (₹ 1200)



Traditional dry powder massage for skin health, circulation improvement, and weight management. (₹ 2000)


Local Udwartana

A variation of traditional Udwartana focuses on a specific body part for circulation, exfoliation, and tension release. (₹ 1000)


Meru Chikitsa

The traditional Ayurvedic method uses gentle touches down the spine to access limitless energy and alleviate stress, illness, and suffering. (₹ 2000)


Meru Pichu

Ayurvedic therapy involves applying herbal paste or oil to the forehead, calming the mind, and promoting relaxation. (₹ 1700)



Ayurvedic facial therapy uses natural ingredients for skin health, freshness, and aromatic relaxation. (₹ 1200)



Japanese full-body therapy uses the soles of the feet to massage pressure points, stimulating nerves and promoting overall well-being. (₹ 1500)



Thumb, finger, and hand pressure is applied to hands and feet for improved health and energy release. (₹ 1200)

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